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The Coalition for Medical Marijuana includes:
American Alliance for Medical Cannabis
Americans for Safe Access
Angel Wings Patient OutReach, Inc.
California NORML
Cannabis Action Network
Cannabis Consumers Campaign
Change The Climate
Common Sense for Drug Policy
Green Aid
Human Rights in the Drug War
Patients Out of Time
Safe Access

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Stop The Federal Assault On Patients And Providers!

The US Justice Department is pressing forward with an aggressive campaign to prosecute medical marijuana offenders in defiance of California's medical marijuana law (Prop 215) and efforts by local officials to support legal medicine for patients.

Targets have included prominent medical marijuana patients groups, caregivers, and individual patients attempting to grow medicine for themselves.

Among them have been highly regarded patients' groups such as the Los Angeles Cannabis Resource Center and Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana in Santa Cruz, which supplied medicine to seriously and terminally ill patients with full support from local officials.

The latest target is noted marijuana author Ed Rosenthal, who was found guilty in US District Court in San Francisco of cultivating marijuana. After the trial, jurors were angered to discover that Ed had been growing that marijuana for Bay Area patients' groups and had been deputized by the City of Oakland to do so -- information which had been withheld from them at the request of the US Attorney.

Meanwhile in San Diego, patient Steve McWilliams, who uses marijuana to control severe chronic pain, will shortly be facing prosecution for cultivating a caregiver garden for himself and other seriously ill patients.

Since Sept. 11, 2001, the government has prosecuted more persons for medical marijuana than terrorism in California (according to a survey of cases by California NORML, on the web at A growing number have been sentenced to federal prison for growing marijuana in accordance with what they believed to be the law.

Speak out! Make your voice heard on this important issue. John Ashcroft's Justice Dept. is forcing hundreds of seriously ill patients in California to turn to the streets and illegal market in order to obtain their medicine, while providers face long prison terms for their compassion. Contact your Congressperson and let them know how you want an end to the Federal assault on medical marijuana.

copyright © 2003, Coalition for Medical Marijuana
Sponsors Include: American Alliance for Medical Cannabis   --   Americans for Safe Access   --   Angel Wings Patient OutReach, Inc.   --   California NORML   --   CannabisMD   --   Cannabis Action Network   --   Cannabis Consumers Campaign   --   Change The Climate   --   Common Sense for Drug Policy   --   DRCNet   --   Drug Policy Alliance   --   DrugSense   --   Green Aid   --   Human Rights in the Drug War   --   Patients Out of Time   --   Safe Access
Updated: Thursday, 16-Jul-2009 10:04:26 PDT   ~   Accessed: 44550 times
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